Tuesday, August 25, 2020

How does one get out of the hallway of dreams?


Not by simply leaving. You can stay and talk to your friend without leaving.

The hallway of dreams might seem an overly elaborate trick, but there's nothing complicated about it. It works. Even worse, when your dreams aren't happening, you are left with a gaping hole in your dreams.

If you can keep your dreaming in check and your waking lives are going well, then there is no sense getting out of the hallway of dreams. If your memories are coming back to bite you, then your dreams will keep coming back.

To achieve a dream of waking again with your family and friends is, in fact, possible. Once we wake up in the next life, the nightmare should be over. Your friends and family will help feed the dream, so it will just die, at least for me.

The good news is, waking dreams aren't going to be something you can do by yourself. They are, in fact, something we need to find ourselves. I believe that the only way to dream again is to create a real community. For example, you could take an afternoon shower with your family, and join in an activity that involves a lot of talking. Or you could come up with a different activity, one that will focus on you as a person for all the time that you have left and not have to dwell on one thing forever.

These are both ideas that we, as people, may not like to follow, but one of them will get us on track to living our dreams in the next life without a headache or a dream of waking dreams.

When I woke up to a real nightmare that morning with the help of our family, some years later it is amazing how this was transformed.

We have made great progress, and all will eventually find their way, but I was fortunate enough to wake to the dream again when my daughter was born.

It was the first time that I had my own little girl. I had been waiting to have her for so long, knowing that she would come along some day, and that it would take her with me everywhere we went. I was excited to finally have her and she arrived with my husband, three weeks early.

One of my first tasks for the rest of the day was to find a place for our little girl to stay, so that we all could see her growing up. She was born at 1:20am, and she was sitting in her crib sleeping. She didn't even know how to

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