Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Our education system is filled with capitalist propaganda.


It encourages students to accept the notion that they are learning about their own lives only to be bombarded by the messages of their teachers and peers.

This propaganda is a key reason the majority of teachers do not work with students, rather teaching them and their experiences to others.

As well as being exploited, teachers and students in the mainstream world are also indoctrinated into the political system. This is the case for all political ideologies except Socialism, and only after having been indoctrinated by their teacher or school principal does a student become radicalized – usually for some other reason – but not for any other reason.

All this happens in schools where the main educational objective is to indoctrinate, not simply educate.

The problem is not the curriculum, the problem is the way in which the curriculum does not teach students things the students will not learn later (i.e. that the state is not the enemy of any individual nor the good) or that the state is good, but only in so far as this becomes a function of indoctrinating.

The state-approved state education system was established to have this function: to serve the education system in so far as the schools become used to indoctrinating the public.

This is the only way indoctrination can be made to do the opposite of what it is. All other options exist, which would be better for the whole world.

A society that does away with indoctrination will live happily and comfortably and in peace. There is no need for this kind of mass propaganda that serves as a tool of the elite to protect this kind of society.

One that is not in the interests of indoctrination in any way except to serve the private schools with their billions of dollars.

This will have the most serious effect on a society that is already living in a war state, where the state is acting as a weapon to be used against the citizenry, particularly the youth, which has historically been the principal enemy, for the purpose of protecting the wealthy.

A state education system that does away with indoctrination would provide a basis for a society that is very different from the current and still largely unregulated US education model to provide children with the best education possible – which is one of being safe, free and democratic.

When this sort of a society emerges, the world would be a very different place.

If you believe there's no hope for a better alternative to what we have now, then stop reading this.

The Alternative

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