Wednesday, September 2, 2020

You need to walk through the walls.


You need to go through doors, and you have to go through things. It just doesn't happen that way in reality. It never would. That was a big lesson for me with every job.

We are the most complicated people in the world. I'm the most self-confident person in the world. You get to do anything you want to do, and I don't care if I'm not as good as anybody else, or even more skilled. You just have to do what it takes and move on. There's no reason in the universe anyone isn't going to be as good at what they want to do as I am. That is a great thing to have in life, to be so good at doing whatever it takes.

It sounds as good as my job as an actor.

I think it's just amazing what an incredible, incredible talent they really have. Not only is there a talent for playing different things – as an actor, there is that talent for doing other things – but they also have a talent for acting without trying to do anything too complicated. It gives you this great freedom with what you can do and what you can be and so it's really just a blessing.

How much of that is about playing characters and what the characters are doing in some way?

Well there is one thing that I do that they don't get to do. It could be a little difficult for you to talk about, but if you are like me and when I was an 8-year old boy, my father would have bought me a copy of the first Batman movie. I grew up reading stuff by Alfred Babbitt, Christopher Reeve and Richard Donner when I was young, and then watching a lot of Batman like that so it was very much a part of my memory of those things and my exposure to them. It's just sort of like playing around with everything you can get your hands on and just watching everything happening and really taking yourself out of the scene.

And I think that's really the core of that: to figure out what the characters are doing and be like their own little actors.

How does your work change when you get older and become more self-conscious about what you're watching? Does it affect the way you watch television or movies?

Well it is pretty different to have my family tell me all the time to watch it, because watching it is now more important to me as I am getting older. But you have to

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